Add Copyright In WordPress Theme

How To Add Copyright In WordPress Theme For Ownership

There is always a debate when people read to add copyright in WordPress theme. You may have been using any theme for many days and now want to change the copyright text.

Many bloggers are there who customize the theme of their website and want to let people know about it. Do you know how to edit the copyright text?

If you know the WordPress file structure then it won’t be so hard to add copyright in WordPress theme. You just have to edit the theme file.

In this post, I will guide you to add all the possible things in the footer of a WordPress theme.

Edit The footer.php File To Add Copyright In WordPress Theme

There are many files present in a WordPress theme. You may have noticed that the copyright text is always added to the footer area of the website.

So, you have to edit the footer.php file. It can be done from the WordPress admin panel or the cPanel. There are some frameworks which don’t let you edit the theme files from the admin area. For them, you have to go to wp-content>>theme>>themename.

But for most of the themes, you can do that from admin area. Let me show you how:

Step 1:- Go to Appearance>>editor and find the footer.php file of the theme. Open it to edit.

Step 2:- At the bottom of the file, you would notice a paragraph or the “<div>” tag consisting the copyright text. You can have an idea by searching the current copyright text.

Let me show you an example:-

<p>©<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> – <?php echo date(‘Y’); ?> Running on BloggingLove Theme</p>

The output of this line would be the name of your website, the year, and the text showing that this website is running on BloggingLove Theme.

You can modify this text.

How To Add A Link To Copyright Information?

As you can see that in the above-mentioned code, I have added any link. While developing a WordPress theme, it’s your right to put one link so that people can know that you have developed the theme.

Let me add a link to the BloggingLove.

Running on <a href=””>BloggingLove</a>Theme.

This will add a link to the word “BloggingLove”. You can link any word to any URL. The choice is yours.

How To Add An Image To Copyright Information?

I have been asked that people want to add an image to the footer of their website. Here, we are talking about the copyright area. So if you want to add an image as the background then CSS is the best option.

But if you want to add an image along with the copyright information then just a simple URL would do its work.

Upload the image to the media library and copy the URL of that image. Use the HTML <img> tag to embed the image wherever you want.

For example:-

<p><img src=”URL” alt””></img> ©<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> – <?php echo date(‘Y’); ?> Running on BloggingLove Theme</p>

You can add copyright information in the WordPress theme and modify it using the simple HTML tags. I have included the PHP code which would show the dynamic copyright year.

Do You Want To Add Copyright In WordPress Theme To Show Your Name

We all want to show our achievements to our readers. And if you have developed a WordPress theme or modified it then you should display your name in the copyright area.

<p>©<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> – <?php echo date(‘Y’); ?> Customized by “YourName”</p>

Can You Now Edit The Copyright Information

I have shown you an example above. The PHP code would pick up the blog name and the current year. The copyright symbol is shown by “©”.

You can alter its place. If you want to show it along with the year or with your name. It’s your choice. The main thing is that you should know about the HTML tags.

To add copyright in WordPress theme, the footer.php file should be your target. If you still face any problem, feel free to ask.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Nice advice on the copyright topic.

    One of the great things about using WordPress is that things like adding copyright is so user friendly.

    Still, you have to know the little twists and tweaks to make it exactly like you want it to appear.

    Now… with this instruction… anyone can add copyright easily into their WordPress theme.


    1. Hey Donna,

      WordPress is a platform with which you can play and experiment a lot. Adding a copyright is so easy if you know the HTML. Nothing much complicated is needed.

      Just the HTML tags and the WordPress functions. It’s important to add the proper copyright text in the footer section to show your ownership.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  2. Hello Ravi,

    A simple tweak yet an important stuff.

    Glad you are covering everything about WordPress! ?

    Though I don’t know much but few years ago when I was using, I found a few templates, in which if I took out the copyright code, the template stopped working.

    How do the developer adds that validation?

    And, how to remove that validation?


    1. Hey Atish,

      There are some inbuilt WordPress functions which can be used to show the output. No validation is required. Just the HTML and the functions present in the WordPress directory using PHP.

      Editing the copyright text isn’t a big thing. Just go to the footer.php file and you can easily see the code.

      Thanks for taking the time to share.

      Enjoy the day.


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